How to Book me

Tell me your story. Feel free to contact me or leave me a message.

Time to book me for your adventure!

Thanks you so much for your confidence. I am really happy that you choose me!

How is it working now?

To make the deposit, please follow the instructions and the steps on the link I sended to you as on every commercial website.

If you have any questions I am here to answere you.

Book me online

You will find the link below that will allow you to book my services. You just have to select your options and validate your basket and follow the indications. You can pay by Paypal or credit card. Just add the payment deposit

+ By bank transfer

You can also make a transfer of 50% of the total amount of the expected service and 50% for the the last payement before the event date. Please contact me by mail to have more informations.

Bénéficiaire: MAEL LAMBLA

IBAN FR7628233000010084969132907 BIC REVOFRP2

Adresse du bénéficiaire: 77700, 3 RUE DE BELLESANE, BAILLY-ROMAINVILLIERS, France

Banque/établissement de paiement: Revolut

+ By Paypal

Please add my account on your paypal with this address : And transfer the money. you can also ask me the link for the payment if you want to be sure.

+ By Check

I no longer accept checks because I am too often on the move and it does not allow me to manage this possibility.

How to meet me?

If you want to know more before choosing my services, I suggest you to contact me by Instagram or What’s app (I’m also available on Skype, FaceTime or by Hangout). Below are links to start to talk to me.
In the meantime, you can book an appointment, according to the availability of my calendar that you can see below.
You can count on a minimum of one hour of appointment to have time to discuss about all the points concerning your project. I can talk with you in English, Français, y Español. I’m waiting to hear about you.

When you took the appointement, I will confirme you the date by message.

See you soon.


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It's time to create something beautiful and unique.
Leave your doubts, fears and inhibitions. let’s start the adventure.
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Book your "Lover photo session"

Book your "Lover photo session"

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See my last offers for your photo session and subscribe to my newsletter to be part of the tribute. Free photo session for the first couple available on the dates and place of the moment (subscribe for more details).

See my last offers for your photo session and subscribe to my newsletter to be part of the tribute. Free photo session for the first couple available on the dates and place of the moment (subscribe for more details).

See my last offers for your photo session and subscribe to my newsletter to be part of the tribute. Free photo session for the first couple available on the dates and place of the moment (subscribe for more details).

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